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San Jose Root Canal Specialists

San Jose, CA

Surgical Microscopes


Our office is equipped with the most up-to-date surgical microscopes, by Carl Zeiss, in each operatory. All evaluations and procedures are performed under the microscopes which provide unparalleled magnification and illumination. 

This enables us to see the minutest of details in your tooth which allows for high level of accuracy and precision during the treatment-you can only treat what you can see.  






CBCT Scan (3D Imaging)


Our office utilizes state-of-the-art, small volume cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) technology that provides highly accurate 3-D radiographic image of your tooth and the surrounding bone structure, down to 75 microns-thinner than width of a human hair. This three-dimensional visualization is essential in all stages of root canal treatment, from proper diagnosis to successful treatment. 

This focused-field 3D scan enables a level of anatomical accuracy and patient care not possible with 2-D technologies (regular dental radiographs) with minimal radiation to the patient. 





TDO Software
TDO Software


Our office uses TDO, the universally acknowledged gold standard in endodontic electronic records. Designed by a leading endodontist, in conjunction with a community of endodontists dedicated to the foundational principle that the patient's care always come first, the software streamlines and simplifies patient registration, referral communication, medical history review, and clinical and imaging documentation. It operates off the Checklist Manifesto common in top hospitals and the airline inductry to minimize errors and improve performance and patient outcomes.

Much more than a software, we are part of a community of top clinicians dedicated to mentoring each other, clinical excellence, and self-improvement and continual critical self appraisal so needed for professional improvement and development. As a user of the software, and as a member of the TDO community, our focus is on providing the highest level of care within the endodontic specialty. 

As a patient this benefits you because:

  • All your records are stored electronically in a HIPAA compliant fashion. Safety of your data is our top priority.
  • Patients benefit from extremely efficient workflow that enhances quality while streamlining administrative tasks. 
  • TDO speeds up your patient registration process and avoids filling out unnecessary paperwork, and cuts down on time spent in the waiting room.
  • TDO connects our office with a worldwide community of endodontists, so you can always get the best care.
  • TDO-Clinical forums guarantee that TDO endodontists are at the top of their game on the best evidence-based practices in endodontics.
  • TDO software helps measure clinical outcomes that no other software is capable of insuring that patients receive the best possible care.

As referring doctors, your patients benefit from:

  • Contemporaneous data collection which allows us to spend more time focusing on patient care
  • HIPAA compliant patient registration so less time spent in the waiting room, or filling out lengthy paperwork
  • The most up to date integrations for technology including Conebeam, Digital Radiography, and Photo Documentation.
  • Custom designed final report templates so you will always know what it going on with your patients.